Political Spectrum Test

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Created by: Monke
  1. Strong borders are important for the country
  2. One strong leader does more harm than good
  3. 1st world countries have the duty to help 3rd world countries build their economy.
  4. “I have faith in the government” to what extent do you agree
  5. “When government takes away citizen’s right to bear arms, it becomes the citizens duty to take away government’s right to govern.” - George Washington. To what extent do you agree?
  6. Some religions and cultures are superior to others
  7. “It is important that most of the country stays homogenous” To what extent do you agree
  8. Polyamorous relationships should be acceptable in society
  9. There are two genders
  10. Who is the best President?
  11. How to treat the LGBT group
  12. Self defence, sport, hunting, leisure and home defence are valid reasons for the possession of firearms
  13. How do you view Hitler
  14. I trust that the government is not invading my privacy
  15. Animals should be treated as humans
  16. Treatment of the homeless
  17. People who are physically able to work have no excuse for not working
  18. People with hereditary diseases should be [ ]What word goes in the box?

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