Political Compass: New Zealand Liberal Era Edition

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From 1891 to 1912, New Zealand was governed by the Liberals, a loose collection of factions organised in opposition to a discredited government. Only at the end of this period would any parties emerge to challenge them - so the colony saw two decades of a government that is generally regarded as liberal, progressive and marked by world-first advances in labour rights and female suffrage.

So, 21st century left-liberals - take this quiz to find out which type of 1890s New Zealand Liberal you would have been, and show off the result to your friends on Twitter!

Created by: David Hoggard
  1. As a colony built largely on processed grass, New Zealand’s most pressing political issue is to decide the best ownership system for the land - how can it be most effectively brought into productive use?
  2. Despite the glowing phrases in ads aimed at prospective colonists, New Zealand has a dark secret: endemic urban unemployment, mounting up in the growing slums of Auckland. Meanwhile, the labour movement is making ever-stronger demands about pay and working conditions. What’s your solution?
  3. The remains of the Maori tribal landholdings are now occupied by a defeated and depressed race. Their population has halved in the last half-century (from smallpox and the ‘mata Maori’ - just giving up on the future and dying), and those that are left are on a subsistence diet without hope of riches or a cultural renaissance. What is to be done?
  4. The city slums and market gardens, it is said, are filled with Asian immigrants who live in hovels and spend their evenings in gambling and debauchery. And some, I assume, are good people. How is the state to encourage these people to be less Chinese-y?
  5. We’re just coming out of a decade-long Depression, characterised by policies to raise tariffs on imports competing with the old Government’s supporters, and by state spending on railway construction which might enrich property speculation companies owned by Cabinet ministers. How would you put NZ on the path to growth?
  6. People are spending all their money on booze and turning violent, either on the street or at home - which would be fine if they were drinking port, but many of them can only afford beer! How can we defend our model society from this scourge?
  7. The wowsers and Methodists of the Christian Temperance brigade are gathering a petition in favour of extending our existing system of universal suffrage to include even the female of the species. If we accede to this demand, we would be the first nation in the world to give women the vote - what do you think?
  8. As loyal subjects of Her Majesty’s Empire, we were horrified to hear that a bunch of Republicans with weird Dutch names had provoked an armed struggle against our fine brother colonists in South Africa. Should we volunteer to help Britannia fight off her foul attackers?
  9. It is 1912, and it looks like the Liberals will lose a vote of confidence in the House of Representatives. How will you respond?
  10. Should politicians have facial hair?

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