Political Compass: 1918 - 1931 Britain

From the conclusion of the First World War to the collapse of the 2nd Labour government, British politics were incredibly tumultuous between 1918 and 1931.

Based upon your answers, this quiz will try and place you within the bounds of the most suitable of the five major political parties/factions of the day.

Created by: Josh
  1. What are your thoughts on the Treaty of Versailles?
  2. Do you approve of the Lloyd George premiership?
  3. What are your views on Free Trade?
  4. Who should have formed the government after the 1923 election?
  5. Should the UK have diplomatic relations with the USSR?
  6. Do you support the recommendation of the Samuel Commission that the coal industry should be reorganised but not nationalised.
  7. Do you approve of Baldwin's handling of the General Strike?
  8. Do you support the Trade Disputes and Trade Unions Act 1927?
  9. What are your priorities for public finances?
  10. Do you support Charles Trevelyan's Education Bill?

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