Pirates summary quiz

You may say you're A Pirates of the Carribean fan but I'll be the judge of that. Take the quiz and see if you are worthy to be a pirate and crew the black pearl.

Do you like Johnny Depp Orlando or Keira? Then come and see if your a true fan. See if your destiny truly lies on being A pirate. Maybe you are really A pirate maybe not.

Created by: Krystal of sparrowbethonly
(your link here more info)
  1. What is Barbossas first name?
  2. What is the name of the sea monster after jack sparrow?
  3. Where was Jack Sparrow born?
  4. Why does Jack want the dead mans chest so bad?
  5. What is special about Jack's compass?
  6. What is jacks favorite drink?
  7. What did tia dalma do to help jack, will, and gibbs in dead mans chest?
  8. Are you a sparrowbeth or willabeth?
  9. Where are will, tia dalma, elizabeth, barbossa and the rest of the crew headed in the 3rd movie?
  10. Who is jacks dad in the 3rd movie?

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