Pi Quiz by Megan

Memorizing things is hard. Memorizing a lot of numbers that go in a random order is really hard! Take the Pi quiz to test your memory! But, remember memorize some digits before you take this test.

Do you have a good memory? Have you worked on memorizing the digits of Pi? Take the Pi quiz! Memorize some digits and find out how well your memory really works!

Created by: Megan of PiDayQuiz.com
(your link here more info)
  1. 3.
  2. 3.1
  3. 3.14
  4. 3.141
  5. 3.1415
  6. 3.14159
  7. 3.141592
  8. 3.1415926
  9. 3.14159265
  10. 3.141592653
  11. 3.1415926535
  12. 3.14159265358
  13. 3.141592653589
  14. 3.1415926535897
  15. 3.14159265358979
  16. 3.141592653589793

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