phineas and ferb

You know the tv show phineas and ferb?? The boys who build cool stuff?? And the sister that tries to bust them for their inventions?? Well this quiz is about them.

Which charractor from the show are you realy most like? Are you Phineas the popular kid, or buford the bully? Maybe you're candace the buster. Enjoy!

Created by: jordan the nerd

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what color is your hair?
  2. are you over-weight?
  3. do you like somebody?
  4. Do you like platupuses?
  5. Do you like school?
  6. What kind of pet do you have
  7. Are you evil?
  8. What is your hobby
  9. how many siblings do you have
  10. are you popular

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