personality quizzzzz ;)

This is a simple quiz to see what your personality is. This is not 100% accurate and there aren't a lot of personalities in the quiz. this is 93% accurate. :)

I hope you enjoy this quiz and thank you to my friend who goes by potato online for getting me into quizzing. Hope you have fun taking my quiz thank you!:)

Created by: Lavender_skies__767
  1. You see a half-empty spray paint can. What do you do with it?
  2. Its the weekend, what are your plans?
  3. There are two kinds of people. What are they?
  4. Your shopping at the mall where do you go?
  5. What's your prefered color(s) for clothes
  6. Where do you spend the most time?
  7. Sparkles or no sparkles
  8. whats your favorate animal
  9. What is more important?
  10. Did you like this quiz?(this does't efect your results)

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