Pee scenarios: What would you do?

Pee Scenarios mad at 3;00 amvAlso idk wht im doing soo here you go. ok go do the quiz. heres random words bc idk wht to write rn. God pee poop hello school zoom online learning

hi help hs pee relief wet pants idk idk barbie help ugly cart dog mom dad doll backpack dora someone help will i stop typing soon and the answer is yes.

Created by: anomynousperson
  1. You are in a Zoom class and really have to pee. You don't have access to a bathroom without a key that Mom has. You can't go to the bathroom at this time. There is still an hour left.
  2. You really have to pee in class. The teacher says there is still 10 more minutes before recess. You know you can't hold it.
  3. You are at P.E. class playing hide and go seek. You are behind a pillar when you at at a level 1000000000000000 desperation. You feel warm pee trickling down your leg. You are able to stop it, but you can't hold it. You can run and use the toilet, but everyone will chant ur name as you get hit. What now?
  4. Hiking in the mountains is awesome, until your bladder is bursting. You have 5 friends, who will be disgusted if you pee in front of them.
  5. You are doing a "I bet i can make you pee" quiz when you have to pee. The plumber is fixing all the bathrooms and you can't get a cup.
  6. You are live on tiktok teaching people how to do a backflip on a tramp when you have to pee. A spurt comes flying out. Everyone saw it. Now that its out , ur deperate. Wht now
  7. You are having s*x with ur gf/bf when you really have to go. They just really got into it. You don't wanna stop
  8. Long Family road trip time! you know ,have to pee...
  9. Pee your pants on the next one when i say NOW
  10. HURRY! The plumbers are fixing evry bathroom in house, and you are locked in your room. Your desperate bladder is trying to hold but failing, drop by drop. Hopping is essential. But soon enough,NOW, pee trickles down ur leg. A great relief. But a wet floor.

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