Pee quiz (HARD MODE! Girls only)

This is a quiz for girls. Boys, please leave. This is a pee quiz. If you don’t pee, your bladder is strong. This is hard. There will be a lot of water, exercising, and weird stuff.

Okay. Let’s start. START INTRODUCING THIS QUIZ! Make sure you have a towel, a bunch of water, a cup, an electronic, and other materials you might need. Let’s actually start.

Created by: Someone
  1. How much do you need to pee?
  2. Okay, if you picked 0-1, drink 10 glasses of water. 2-3, 8 glasses. 4-5, 6 glasses. 6-7, 4 glasses, and 8-10, 2 glasses.
  3. Now that that’s out of the way, lay down on your back and relax your whole body for 5 seconds.
  4. Now drink 5 glasses of water. How’re you doing!
  5. Do 50 jumping jacks, and when you’re finished, try and do the splits.
  6. Now let’s get to the table and put your bladder on the corner.
  7. Fill a glass with warm water. Go to the bathroom. Take your pants/skirt off and go to the bathroom like how you usually do. Don’t pee!
  8. Okay, keep your pants/skirt off. Go to the place where you set your towel, keep standing, and pour your glass of warm water on your legs, to simulate pee. What happened?
  9. LET’S GET ACTIVE! Put your pants/skirt back on, and do 50 jumping jacks and splits! Don’t for get your stretches!
  10. Time to hydrate! Those exercises must’ve made you thirsty! Drink 15 glasses of water! Or 2 whole water bottles!
  11. Get on YouTube and listen to waterfall or peeing sounds for the rest of the test. If the sounds end, play it again. Put it on repeat. Okay?
  12. Now let’s let it go for a little bit. Relax your body (on your towel) for 10 secs. Make sure to lay down.
  13. This is last question!
  14. But before I go, did you like my quiz?
  15. This is for real the last question. Get on your towel, and pee. Take of your pants/skirt, panties, whatever, but pee.

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