Paw patrol love, who loves who?

Ok, so everyone this quiz is about which paw patrol pup or person loves who, just for you paw patrol lovers! Have a great time! Love y’all! Bye for now!

Ok so no one get mad at me, but this is my preference of who loves who, feel free to disagree! By the way, Remedy, Misty and Tundra probably aren’t real.

Created by: K K
  1. Who does Chase love
  2. Who does Rocky love?
  3. Who does Marshall love?
  4. Who does Rubble love (ish)
  5. Who does Zuma love?
  6. Who does Tracker love?
  7. Ok, I don’t know why I’m asking this but, who does Moby love?
  8. Who does Tuck love?
  9. Who does Ryder love?
  10. Thanks for taking the quiz!

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