Path of Stars: Part 1

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Thanks for Rainsong, Pathbreeze, and pigeon moth kitty(formerly RippleCloud) for inspiring me in this quiz! This is about Streamstar’s child, Sparkkit!

You are Sparkkit, a golden tabby she-cat with emerald green eyes. Your mother is Streamstar and your father is Flameheart. You have 1 sister and 1 brother: Featherkit, a brown tabby she-cat with emerald green eyes. Your brother is Skykit, a silver tabby with amber eyes. There are 3 toms: Pouncepaw, a playful short-haired tortoiseshell with one pale blue and one amber eye, Lionpaw, a sweet golden tabby with bright blue eyes, and Breezepaw, a sensible blue-gray tom with amber eyes. Which of the toms will you get? Take the quiz to find out!

Created by: WarriorsLover66
  1. The first memory you remember was water. You figure out that you were drowning in a stream! What do you do?
  2. You cry out and your eyes open. It was just a dream. Your mother talks to you. She couldn’t hide the excitement in her voice. “Hello, kit! I’m Streamstar, leader of StreamClan and your mother! Your father will come in soon.”
  3. Your father comes in. He was a flame-colored tom with emerald-green eyes. “Hello, kit. I’m Flameheart, your father.” To your mother, he whispered. “What should we name her?” Streamstar answered, “Her golden fur and green eyes make her look like a spark of fun, how about Sparkkit?” “Perfect!”
  4. A tom came up to you. He was a short-haired tortoiseshell with one pale blue eye and one amber eye. “Hi, I’m Pouncekit!”
  5. Another tom came up. “Hi, I’m Lionkit, the son of Leafstorm! Leafstorm is your mother’s friend. Wanna play ShadowClan Invasion?”
  6. Your brother and sister wake up and you realize that you were the first-born! Then came Featherkit(your sister) 3 seconds after you, and then your brother, Skykit. Featherkit’s brown tabby fur and emerald-green eyes glowed in the sunlight. Skykit had gray fur with blue eyes.
  7. You start playing Shadowclan Invasion. Featherkit joins you. Just as you leap on Pouncekit, an apprentice walks up to you. He says "Hey! It's Sparkkit, Lionkit, Pouncekit and Featherkit, right? I'm Breezekit!" "Umph. Hey!" said Pouncekit, who is still under you. Lionkit twitches his tail and holds back a laugh. Breezekit’s blue-gray fur and amber eyes grow bright.
  8. Later, Streamstar calls you, Featherkit, and Skykit over. “Hello, kits! The other queens and I have decided that it is time for you to try fresh-kill! Who wants squirrel?” “Me!” Skykit and Featherkit scamper over, but you get there first. “Yummy!”
  9. After eating, all the kits go to the nursery to take a nap. What do you dream about?
  10. Soon, it was the next day. You remember, you were 6 moons old today! Your ceremony! You wake up, and your mother starts grooming you while the other kits wake up.
  11. As everyone cheers your names, you life your head up with pride. Your mentor was Glowshade, Leafstorm’s mother and Streamstar’s best friend. She had a white pelt with ginger patches. “Can we go outside camp now?” You ask. “Ok, but only to show you the borders!” Her eyes gleam with pride as you touch noses. Pouncepaw, Lionpaw, Breezepaw, Skypaw, and Featherpaw had also got their apprentice names.

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