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- 139K
How do you know what you want in a woman or man, if you are looking for a soul mate. Definitely take this quiz, to find out. It is so accurate it will scare …
- 10.8K
Here you can learn your inner self. What you are really like inside. You can find things out about yourself that you never knew... now this needs to be long …
- 278K
There are many types of guys in this world. Some are totall jerks and others are kind and caring. What Kind of guy do you attract? Do You Like Bad Boys? Or Do …
- 11.7K
most girls are in love with edward, but not all of them would he happy with him, this test shows you who you would be happiest with.their are many boys in …
- 19.9K
Every school has a bully. You know, someone who is mean to every one. There usually famous through the entire school. Has it ever crossed your mind that you …
- 11.4K
lip head nose ear listen song sing true friend brother makeup brother lipstick blush powder lipliner eyeshadow toes computer book nut apple pear orange fruit …
- 296K
There are many genes that determine what a child will look like...But nothing is as accurate as this quiz. Plus you will get to know, what snack food will most …
- 3.9K
Recently because of family matters you’ve had to move and change high schools. You’re now the new kid at Westfield High. You don’t know anyone, you …
- 2.5K
There are lots of cars out in the world. Camaros,Corvettes, Hummers. All of these cars are cool. All of these cars can be fast. They could win agfainst a police …
- 5K
There are many people out in this world. Some want power, others want peace. But! we aren't the only ones. The wilderness holds more secrets than you may know. …