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- 23.6K
What underwear color do you have on right now? Pink? White? Gray? Or maybe blue. …
- 6.2K
Many people want to know if they will ever get asked out by a special or the wrong guy, by taking this quiz you will be able to know that if you're going to get …
- 4.6K
"There are many who hate fashion and don't care if their shirt reaches to the floor and their pants are about to fall down. WHO CARES? they ask and that's just …
- 1.9K
Hey Hey!! This quiz is fer guys && guys ONLY. I mean, I hope your a guy. Im staright so.. ;) I hope you hased shome fun && really dont think …
- 1.3K
We all have a name but what would be your name if you didn't have a name? It could be anything.So if you ever lose or forget your name take this quiz and find …
- 1.6K
You may like him, or you may not. The question is, does he like you? Take this quiz to find out if he has fallen for you or …
- 6.4K
Oh you may not think me pretty, But don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me. You can keep your bowlers …
- 6.2K
What type of guy will you marry? Romantic? Sweet? Nerdy? Athletic? Please rate and comment!! I want a cookie. And ice-cream... I like cookies.. And ice-cream... …
- 62K
Yes! The game of truth or dare is right here on your computer, laptop, phone, ipod, ipad, dsi, psp, etc! Truth or dare …
- 3K
Hey, this quiz is either for fun, or for real, it's your decision but remember if you don't score well, I'm sorry. I can be picky and besides, Are you going to …