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- 12.7K
After reading the Throne of Fire, the second book of the Kane Chronicles, I got curious as to who I'd be if I was apart of that world. I'm willing to bet lots …
- 1.2K
How would i judge you. if you were at my school what would you be considered? …
- 1.4K
We all love chocolate and have the type we like. But what type is your personality? Are you white dark or milk? The time has come to find out! …
- 3.4K
Don't take it don't take it don't take it don't take it don't take it don't take it don't take it don't take it don't take it don't take it don't take it …
- 8.5K
Well, you've all probably got bombarded with 'Which Greek God/Goddess Are You' type quizzes for months. I thought it was time for a change. This time, I used …
- 2.6K
There are all kinds of players on howrse; the funny, trouble-making kind, the kind who are in it to win it (meaning that they breed elite horses, run a …
- 1.7K
What type of boy do you like a jock like Apolo Ohno a popular talented ude like Justin Bieber a goth or loner like guy like Edward Cullen or a nerd its all up …
- 5.1K
There are many types of moms and this quiz will give you a hint as to what type of mother you will be. How was your mom? That might give you an idea of how …
- 1.7K
Those who enjoy the holiday of October 31, Halloween. Scaring, costumes, candy, and sometimes, laughter. Noone really ever knows what could happen on this day. …
- 2.2K
Every quiz I have made so far was based on demons. This one is no exception. There are three types of demons in existence... though I cannot list them off, …