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- 19K
Do you want to know whether or not you would be my type? A lot of people on GoToQuiz probably are straight, but for those few girls that aren't completely …
- 8.4K
Can't decide which nail polish color or style is for you? Then take this quiz! Based on a few questions about your style and personality, a recommendation …
- 6.9K
Do want to know what your name means? Then come to this quiz! It might not give the exact meaning because there are only three meanings there but i hope that …
- 1.4K
There are very few truly awesome people in the world. What is awesome you may ask? Awesome is a "slang" word which means very impressive, according to the …
- 2.9K
find out which hetalia person you are!!!! in this quiz we analyze your answers to make sure we have the right person that matches you. COME TRY IT OUT …
- 1.7K
Many people have big fall outs with their friends then say that they hate them and they are a rubbish friends. May of them people then regret it. Those people …
- 1.6K
Figuring out how stupid you are is kinda imporant... don't you think??? Well i do, thats why I made this qiuz. A few questions mught seem purposeless to you but …
- 5K
Quick! QUICK! How many seconds have you left to live? Many, many quizzes will tell you how long you have to live, but none with such precise accuracy as this. …
- 2.1K
There are many mythical creatures. Want to know whitch one you are? Are you a Dragon? Siren? Hipogriff or Griffin? Unicorn or Pegasus? or a Peonix? …
- 3K
Many people make quizzes claiming to tell you how you will die. But, what they never do is tell you how you will react to your death. Many things in your life …