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- 5.9K
I noticed there were a ton of these and they all cheated,so I decided to make one that didn't and well,I …
- 1.6K
There are many people who listen to modern pop. Are you one of those people? Do you know your modern music? Just take my fast and easy quiz. You will find out …
- 980
There are four basic elements. First, there is water and ice. Then there's fire. Air is also one, and lastly, there is Earth. You might have a favorite …
- 2.8K
This quiz is going to predict what type of dreams you have tonight! It should be pretty accurate, because I've predicted my own dreams before, and gotten them …
- 5.1K
Everyone has an age, obviously but not everyone acts their own age. Some do, but most don't. It's pretty easy to tell which category you fit in with most, take …
- 3.2K
So, you think your going to be a vampire one day, or do you think you already are one? This quiz is 100% accurate and will be perfect to satisfy your feeling of …
- 2.5K
there are many people who love one direction and love all those boys in the band but let's just see how much you have in common with them we will find out when …
- 1.9K
Ever Wondered What You Would Be If you Were A Mythical Creature? Well Take This Quiz To Find Out! This IS My 7th Quiz And I Hope You Enjoy It As Much As I Did …
- 3.2K
Hey guys! Long time no see! :P So, I was watching one of Joey Graceffa's videos where he tried out this personality test on a girl. I took it as well and …
- 2K
Are you secretly in love with someone or is it just a sense of like?? Take this quiz to find out about your heart's temptations ... Quickly before you change …