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Featured Quizzes:
- 2.3KAre you nice shy mean or sweet3.67rated: 3.67/5Promoted 9 years agotaken 2.3K times2 comments
There are many quizzes like this. Sweet is caring. Nice is kind. Shy is both yet without courage. And mean is too much courage and pride. …
- 3.1K
Everyone has different music tastes, but have you ever wondered "what does my taste in music say about me?" This quiz will tell you what your genre speaks about …
- 57.9K
Do you have a dirty mind? Find out today with this fun quiz! Tis quiz took 2 days to make, so I really hope you like it! There are many ranges of dirty …
- 18.7KDanTDM...The Quiz!!!!!!3.73rated: 3.73/5Promoted 9 years agotaken 18.7K times
TDM fans out there, take this quiz to see how well you know this famous you tuber. I really hoe you enjoy your time as you test your skills with the TDM test! …
- 14.8K
I have always wanted and searched for a quiz like this, many others also want to know and GOToQuiz didn't have it so I decided to created my own just for fun …
- 63.5K
There are many people who are always wondering about their future and marriage. Take this simple quiz and answer all the twelve questions genuinely. …
- 2K
Have you ever wondered, which uncommon name would suit me? Have you ever longed to trade in your name for something a …
- 1.6K
You are beautiful the way you are! No matter what anybody says about you, you're beautiful! This quiz is to help you realize that you are always unique and …
- 1.4KWhat fnaf animatronic are you?3.12rated: 3.12/5Promoted 9 years agotaken 1.4K times3 comments
Which animatronic are you most like from the first game of Five Nights at Freddy's???? Will you be Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, or Golden Freddy? …
- 6.3KWhich Sonic Boom Character are you?3.99rated: 3.99/5Promoted 9 years agotaken 6.3K times1 comment
Sonic and his friends are all animals. I love the show. Some random questions were thrown into this quiz for fun. If you get bored, and/or hate it, I'm not …