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- 2.5K
Many people don't know if they are ugly or pretty. They ask people, but they will most likely say they are pretty just to be nice. So, you can never be sure. …
- 6.9K
Being a Demi-God can be really hard if you don't know who your parent is! It could be any of the major or minor Gods or …
- 18.9K
Kanaya Maryam is a character from the popular webcomic, Homestuck. Jaden Smith is a rapper and actor known for his tweets. Kanaya and Jaden both speak in …
- 7K
How Attractive Looking Are You is a quiz that will give you 100% accurate results on how attractive looking you are from 0-10! If you are not ready to hear the …
- 8.1K
Have you ever dreamed of NOT being human? Ever thought of what you could be? Well, this test tells you the answer! If you are not a human, what are you? What …
- 6.1KHow much do u know about Dashiexp?3.18rated: 3.18/5Promoted 9 years agotaken 6.1K times3 comments
This quiz has questions about videos on Dashiexp. I would not expect you to get all of these right. Unless you're like me and watches A LOT of dashiexp. …
- 29.1K
"Life is Strange' is an amazing thought-provoking game with amazing, thought-provoking characters. Which character in this game are you most like? Take this …
- 3.7KDo You Know Twaimz?2.88rated: 2.88/5Promoted 9 years agotaken 3.7K times3 comments
Genius is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a genius? A genius is someone who has an extraordinarily clever mind, not many people may be as cever as you …
- 17.4K
Have you ever wondered who dreams of you? This quiz can answer that. It may be the one you love, your friend, or someone else. You can even find out whether …
- 1.9KHow much do you know about Becky G?3.78rated: 3.78/5Promoted 9 years agotaken 1.9K times
Many people like Becky G, but, do you KNOW her? Becky G is a Mexican-American artist, who writes, raps, sings, and dances to HER OWN songs. She is talented, …