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- 3KDoes Your Crush Like You Back...3.23rated: 3.23/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 3K times
Maybe People Say Bad Things About You... But You're Amazing Always Remember That. I Know That There Is That One Person That Loves You More Than They Love Their …
- 2.2Kwhich animal are you?3.12rated: 3.12/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 2.2K times3 comments
Which animal are you? After all, everybody's different. These results aren't 100% accurate. Don't take them too seriously. They don't have to be guidelines for …
- 3.3K
"There are many people in this world, they all have an age, and I can guess your age, but it might not always guess correctly. But sometimes I might do very …
- 2.3KWhat element are you?3.74rated: 3.74/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 2.3K times
Water, Air, Earth and Fire, the four elements keeping our world in balance. Water for supplying us with a source of clean hydration, Earth for well... keeping …
- 9.2KWhich Schuyler Sister are you?4.06rated: 4.06/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 9.2K times
The Schuyler Sisters are three siblings during the time of the American Revolution and are most memorable by their appearances in the new hit Broadway show: …
- 6.2K
If you were a wolf what would your appearance, personality, and name be? Ever wondered? Well, if you have, here you go! The perfect way to find this …
- 2.5Kthe lodge quiz 1013.16rated: 3.16/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 2.5K times
some people say they keep up to date with the lodge and they love it so much but hoe do you realy know how much they like this show so take this quiz to your …
- 3.4KHow Pretty are You Really?2.96rated: 2.96/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 3.4K times3 comments
Do you think your are pretty? Well maybe you are maybe you are nor. Take this test and see what it says. Your pretty in your own unique way,and I know it. …
- 2.7KWhich animal are you really?3.92rated: 3.92/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 2.7K times
have you ever wondered if you have some sort of inner animal? here is the answer: everyone has one! but what is YOURS? take this quiz to find out! who are you? …
- 2.4KDoes Your Crush Like You?3.15rated: 3.15/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 2.4K times
There are many people that want to know who their crush likes. I am to, one of those people. A crush can drive people out of their minds! Use this test to see …