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- 12KWhich Female Harry Potter character are you?4.43rated: 4.43/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 12K times2 comments
Are you are Potterhead? If you are, you can discover which female character you would be out of seven people: Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Cho, Lavender, Bellatrix, …
- 16.4K
There are many ways to play Fortnite Battle Royale. Rush, hide, or run- there are many kinds of players. But which kind are you? Take this quiz to find out. …
- 4.5KHow well do you know Sofie Dossi?3.99rated: 3.99/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 4.5K times1 comment
How well do you think you know Sofie Dossi? Well this is the perfect quiz to take if you want to prove your knowledge and test if you are really a true fan or …
- 1.9KWhat Ninja Go Are You4.3rated: 4.3/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 1.9K times1 comment
this is a very serious quiz meant to determine the Ninja Go Character that you match perfectly, without excuses or exceptions. the answer you get is what you …
- 32.3K
in this quiz we determin what miraculous kwami you are ok thank you for taking the quiz jegweguyegjwbouwrggfuywerf hgfuywegfyeygrfvuijurtnurfnvjnvjtg jg …
- 13.7K
I'm sure everyone who knows Pokemon knows about Eevee. Voted the cutest by Pokemon fans, its eight different possible evolutions with different types and powers …
- 9.2K
Everyone dreams of being happy or at least being satisfied in life. Have you had poor relationships or none at all? Do you think your life is going down the …
- 76K
This test will help you decide which political ideology you are affiliated with and is a good starter if you are still beginning to learn more about politics. …
- 23.4K
90s kids know no other generation had it better than they did. The music, the toys, the trends that we all remember--what's not to love about the 90s? It was an …
- 1.3KHow Well Do you Know Draco Malfoy.. Are You His Fan?3.42rated: 3.42/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 1.3K times2 comments
Do you think you get the 'magic' it takes to know Draco Malfoy. Who are you? A fan? A wannabe? An imposter? Or are you …