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- 7.1K
**SPOILER ALERT** I had to put that right away. This quiz may spoil things in episodes The Rise of Scar, and after. Do NOT take this quiz if you dont like …
- 1.5KWhat Type Of Princess Are You?3.86rated: 3.86/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 1.5K times1 comment
Now, before you turn your nose up on this (So you think) silly quiz, let me explain to you what it really is. Have you ever wondered if you were a princess, …
- 3.6KWhich "Paradise PD" character are You?3.5rated: 3.5/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 3.6K times
This is probably first of all the quizzes about Paradise PD. I consider myself a great fan of the show, that is why I decided to create this quiz. I hope You …
- 1.6KAre you Beautiful?3.79rated: 3.79/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 1.6K times
The media's definition of beautiful; cheekbones that can cut glass, an hourglass body, and small proportions. This view, however, only applies to a tiny …
- 69.7K
Want to know whether you're most like Luna, Ginny or Hermione? This quiz has the answer (and will also rank your 2nd and 3rd place). …
- 5K
Test your inner dragon spirit with this fun quiz. …
- 3.6KFind out your political ideology!3.4rated: 3.4/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 3.6K times
We hear about political ideologies in the news all the time. Politicians are called things like 'fascist' and 'socialist' frequently. The purpose of this unit …
- 13.6KWalt Disney World Trivia Quiz2.43rated: 2.43/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 13.6K times3 comments
15 trivia questions about the WDW parks and history. Disney lovers shouldn't have too much difficulty acing this! …
- 4.6K
This quiz will tell you not only your spirit animal, but your colors and personality traits as well. …
- 17.9KWhat Riverdale Charecter Are You 12 Questions!3.73rated: 3.73/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 17.9K times1 comment