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- 2.7KQuale pesonaggio di Animali Fantastici sei?4.44rated: 4.44/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 2.7K times
Se hai visto il film "Animali Fantastici e dove trovarli" ti sarai chiesto di certo quale dei quattro fantastici protagonisti potrebbe somigliarti di pi... oggi …
- 4.3KAm I Ready For A Pet Rabbit?3.3rated: 3.3/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 4.3K times2 comments
A bunny is a big commitment & responsibility. It is very important to learn about proper care before getting any pet to provide the best life possible for …
- 1.1KWhat kind of hero are you?4.56rated: 4.56/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 1.1K times2 comments
Have you ever asked yourself, "What would I be if I was a hero?" No? Well you clicked on this quiz anyways so obviously you wanna find out. I also have to have …
- 3.8KDoes Sans Like You?4.18rated: 4.18/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 3.8K times2 comments
- 2.3KWhich Generation Kill Character Are You?4.27rated: 4.27/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 2.3K times
There aren't many quizzes out there about which character you would be from Generation Kill. I decided that making one would be a good idea, so here it is! …
- 22.6K
A clan (, Ichizoku, Literally meaning: household, clan), in the loosest sense of the term, refers to a family or group of shinobi who form a basic unit of a …
- 996Wings Of Fire: What Tribe Are You?3.54rated: 3.54/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 996 times2 comments
Hello! In this quiz, you will answer a series of random questions. I will predict your Wings Of Fire tribe :3! Thank you for playing and have fun! Also, …
- 32.1K
Now, some people have OC/s (orginal character/s) and some are... OP (overpowered) to say the least. These creations are often hated and looked down on. A good …
- 4.2KLyrics Quiz (Hamilton Edition)!4.39rated: 4.39/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 4.2K times3 comments
Ever listened to Hamilton? Do you know Hamilton a little? Do you brag to your friends that you are a complete Hamilton genius? Take this quiz to see if you are …
- 7.1KWhat Kind of Bender Would You Be?4.24rated: 4.24/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 7.1K times1 comment
If you were from the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra and you were a bender, what kind of bender would you be? Are you an adaptable …