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- 4.2K
Hi! Since there are only... Well very few Wings of Fire love stories, I have desided to make one! Its my first time, so PLEASE do not judge this, cause that …
- 533Group Leadership Styles3.7rated: 3.7/5Promoted 5 years agotaken 533 times
Just as each person has a unique background and personality, everyone has a different leadership style. This personality quiz will tell you what your leadership …
- 4.4KHow successful will your fiction book be?2.62rated: 2.62/5Promoted 5 years agotaken 4.4K times
Take the this quiz to discover how successful your book will become if published. The quiz would give you a general idea and give you advice to make things …
- 4.6KHow Strict Are Your Parents?3.52rated: 3.52/5Promoted 5 years agotaken 4.6K times1 comment
Not all parents come alike. Some control their kids so much that they're not allowed to choose what they wear or have friends, and others allow their kids to …
- 11.4K
Find your aesthetic …
- 4.1K
Hi! Since there are only... Well very few Wings of Fire love stories, I have desided to make one! It’s my first time, so PLEASE do not judge this, cause that …
- 1.1KWhat Is Your Warrior Cat Name? ( female quiz only)4.34rated: 4.34/5Promoted 5 years agotaken 1.1K times3 comments
This quiz will give you your warrior name based off of the way you answer. It will give you your name, a picture, and a …
- 2.9KFriends Quiz Dificil3.13rated: 3.13/5Promoted 5 years agotaken 2.9K times
Este quiz está creado para los fánaticos más frenéticos de la serie FRIENDS. Las siguientes preguntas analizan si de verdad has prestado bastante atención a …
- 945Which High School Musical Song Are You?4.15rated: 4.15/5Promoted 5 years agotaken 945 times
High School Musical is a movie series that has been favorite of teens everywhere for 13 years. I personally enjoy the songs even more than the movies …
- 27.5KWhich Grisha Trilogy character are you?3.8rated: 3.8/5Promoted 5 years agotaken 27.5K times1 comment
The Shadow Fold, a swathe of impenetrable darkness crawling with monsters that feast on human flesh, is slowly destroying the once-great nation of Ravka. Alina, …