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- 4.2KSans AU sleepover4.37rated: 4.37/5Promoted 5 years agotaken 4.2K times2 comments
You are invited to an AU sleepover with me(Andrea) and the sanses. Here are the sanses that will come: Classic(my older brother) from Undertale, Fell(Red) from …
- 42.8K
The possible outcomes are Magnitude, Emotion, Bone Manipulation, State-Changer, Fallen Leader, Smog, Ear-Fists. This is …
- 1.9KLove Story of Draco-Chapter two- The Fight!4.38rated: 4.38/5Promoted 5 years agotaken 1.9K times
So, you start to see differences out of Draco. However, you don't know if your falling in love with him or not. When that part happens when you hate Harry …
- 9.2K
Find your place on a new spectrum that sees the world differently than the old Left/Right axis. …
- 291Can you guess at least 85% of these random questions?3.5rated: 3.5/5Promoted 5 years agotaken 291 times2 comments
This quiz is very hard and I will be surprised if you get a high score! Please comment the quiz on what score you got …
- 1.3KWhich Guardians of the Galaxy character are you?4.41rated: 4.41/5Promoted 5 years agotaken 1.3K times
What is Guardians of the Galaxy? A Galatic and Heroic team as in Star Wars or Star Trek.But we're not talking about the …
- 1.5KHow well do you know Riverdale!?2.06rated: 2.06/5Promoted 5 years agotaken 1.5K times
Do you think you know ALOT about Riverdale? Take this quiz to find out if you are a true fan!!!!!!!! These questions are random, so prepare yourself!! …
- 661
This quiz will take your answers and match you with a color based on your personality! I forgot the keycode to my last quiz, "What candy are you", and I'm not …
- 3.1KHow Slav Are You Really? (Meme Version)4.37rated: 4.37/5Promoted 5 years agotaken 3.1K times
-To fill in- Test to see if you are truly Slav or if you are truly not Slav. This is the only way of finding out the truth of your Slav instincts. Suka Blyat. …
- 590Hardest Riddle Quiz Possible3.16rated: 3.16/5Promoted 5 years agotaken 590 times2 comments
10 HARDEST RIDDLES Ten hand picked hard riddles . If riddles were a sport these would be Extreme Riddles!How many can YOU solve? ridiculously hard riddles. …