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- 408Which Nightlight are you4.56rated: 4.56/5Promoted 2 years agotaken 408 times1 comment
The nightlights are Toothless and the Lightfurys offsprings; Pouncer, Ruffrunner and Dart. These Nightlights are so adorable but ever wonder which one you are? …
- 4.5KWhat Kaiserredux Ideology are you?3.99rated: 3.99/5Promoted 2 years agotaken 4.5K times
A political test that will assign you an ideology from the "Kaiserredux" mod for the videogame "Hearts Of Iron IV", released by Paradox Interactive in 2015. …
- 233
Welcome to my first quiz! Probably wont make another but this was some fun. Hope everyone has a lovely 2023 and it is full of happiness during these hard times! …
- 145Harry Potter Adventure-pt 11.84rated: 1.84/5Promoted 2 years agotaken 145 times2 comments
Hi hi! Nice to meet you! Im WOFlover=Dragon lover okay? So your name is Frost Wind and your best friend is Crystal Silver(My OC!). Your patronus is a dragon, …
- 1KEconomic Ideology Survey3.91rated: 3.91/5Promoted 2 years agotaken 1K times
This questionnaire will ask you questions to determine your economic ideology. You will be placed into an economic system at the end of the questionnaire. …
- 173David Copperfield Book Quiz4.75rated: 4.75/5Promoted 2 years agotaken 173 times
David Copperfield, is certainly one of Dickens best books- which also dive into most of his life events, as David is partly based upon Charles. (Even their …
- 525
Hi, my name is Jinx and this is my very first quiz. Ummm, just wanted to know what different people got and preferences on things so yeah...enjoy I guess. …
- 569adopt me quiz: can you beat scams?3.87rated: 3.87/5Promoted 2 years agotaken 569 times2 comments
This quiz is to tell whether or not your prone to scams, in adopt me! So, if you're not too sure if you're safe, then might I suggest you try this quiz, love? …
- 468I will tell you your HP blood status by your score :-O3.8rated: 3.8/5Promoted 2 years agotaken 468 times1 comment
Hey guys! So we are back with some more Harry Potter quizzes since they are in such high demand. And today, I will be …
- 322Jesus of Nazareth Quiz4.4rated: 4.4/5Promoted 2 years agotaken 322 times3 comments
Jesus of Nazareth is a common popular historical man found in many religions, art, and cultures: the film mass culture has received popularity due to the films …