On a beauty scale of one to ten where are you!

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welcome to the on a beauty scale of one to ten where would you be quiz! please don't be offended if you don't get the score you want! and if you get a low score you can take the quiz again! i mean it!

this quiz is just for fun, not supposed to be serious, unless if you want to be serious! (puts on a serious face) i wish you good luck on getting a high score! no hateful comments please!

Created by: beauty queen
  1. Did you know everyone is pretty!
  2. So don't let this quiz make you feel bad!
  3. First, the dreaded question, what is your hair color?
  4. if you chose brown on the hair question what shade of brown do you have?
  5. if you black what shade of black do you have.
  6. if you have red hair what shade of red do you have?
  7. if you hair is dyed what color is it
  8. what is you eye color
  9. are you kind to others
  10. do you have any birthmarks or scars or freckles
  11. which harry potter character do look the most like
  12. i already told you this but you are beautiful just the way you are!
  13. please don't be offended if you don't get the result you want. this quiz is probably not accurate anyway.
  14. is your hair straigh, curly, or wavy!
  15. do you have oily or dry hair
  16. what is the shape of your eyes
  17. are your nails painted
  18. if your nails are painted what color are they
  19. are you ready to your results
  20. if you chose no on the last question than repeat this: i am beautiful no matter what they say! beauty does not define a person, it is who they are on the inside!
  21. now are you ready to see the results!
  22. oh wait i forgot (lol) if you chose blonde hair what shade of blonde hair do you have?
  23. Now this is the real goodbye! remember everyone is beautiful! i made this quiz just for fun! BYE

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Quiz topic: On a beauty scale of one to ten where am I!
