Norse Mythology Quiz | Comments

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  • Question 2) Hel, Jormungand and Fenrir were the children of Loki and his (ex-)wife Angrboda, yes, but he was also the parent of: Vali and Nari/ Narvi/ Narfi, along with Sleipnir and the Evils that Plague Man (fun name). Vali and his brother are less known as they are only mentioned in the binding of Loki, and are the children of his second wife Sigyn. Annoyingly there's another Vali (Odin's son) and another Narvi but these are seperate characters! Sleipnir was fathered by Svadilfari and mothered by Loki (crazy, right?) and is known as Odin's steed. The Evils that Plague Man came into existence because somEBODY thought it would be a great idea to eat a random half-cooked heart. It's unclear whether they were witches or literally Evils personified (kinda like Pandora's box, in the sense of evils being creatures). Anyhoo just thought I'd say. Other than that it was great!


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