Noob-o-meter 4000!

One of the noob-o-meter.I know.But can you challenge the great test of noob! test yourself as a robloxian! be a non-noob! This test will find out are you a noob or aren't one!

Are YOU a N00B! Test yourself with this noob-o-meter! The next generation from the noob-o-meter 300 0! Now you could still wonder how nooby you are but thanks to this quiz you are going to find out in just a minute!

Created by: Win

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you a noob
  2. Who is the best user in roblox?
  3. How to be famous?
  4. When is roblox thought to be created? (dont search. guess it)
  5. If you are the roblox creator, what will you do?
  6. Does Telamon have son?
  7. what is noob's colour?
  8. Is this better than noob-o-meter 3000?
  9. Gimme ur tix!
  10. Do you like cheeze burger?
  11. What do we need to do to achieve most of the success with team?

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