Ninja Boyfriend Quiz

So you want to have a ninja boyfriend? Then come on and try this quiz I hope you enjoy the Ninja Boyfriend Quiz! good luck! P.S. Make sure to be honest!

P.P.S. This is my first quiz so this is not the best but not the worst I hope!!!!!!!! and please be honest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Otter lover!
  1. You just found out you have powers and get to train with the ninja witch one?
  2. you beat him what do you do
  3. One of the ninja asks you to go on a walk with him who is it
  4. on the walk he admits he likes you
  5. a few seconds later he kisses you you
  6. when you go back to the monastery you have a note on your hammock it said to meet me in the forest it is written in what color ink
  7. when you go back to the monastery you have a note on your hammock it said to meet me in the forest it is written in what color ink
  8. when you go to the forest the sons of garmidon capture you and you
  9. then so one saves you he is wearing
  10. after he saves you he asks "Are you all right?" you kiss him and he says "Wow" you tell him
  11. he asks you to be his girlfriend you say

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