NEW Black Veil Brides Quiz!

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There are many Black Veil Brides fans... But few true BVB fans. A BVB fan has to have all the knowledge, all the skill, and quickness of intelligence of that of BVB. They view the world with wide eyes and an open heart.

Are you a real BVB fan? Are you REALLY apart of the BVB army? Test your skills in this test of amazement and wonder, seeking out the new found information about your favorite band.

Created by: MarianasTrenchie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the name of the new album?
  2. How old is Andy?
  3. Jinxx plays what instruments?
  4. At what age did Andy form BVB?
  5. Who are the former members of BVB?
  6. Which of these songs are on the new album?
  7. Finish The Lyrics: "All the slaves of the cold December, find a _____ to call their own."
  8. What Song Are These Lyrics From?: "An exercise of life to cut beneath our hands."
  9. What Album Are These Lyrics From?: "But you are the beast, that calls me by my name."
  10. Match The Lyric With The Song: All Your Hate.
  11. Match The Lyric With The Song: A Devil For Me

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