Natsu or Gray?????

do you want to know who the perfect match is for you between Gray or Natsu? well heres your chance to see who you will be with just take this test and it will be amazing

now all you have to do is just answer these 12 questions there easy fast and simple.......these questions are pretty easy to answer but if you like gray and natsu ohhhhh lol.

Created by: TEAM NATSU
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your fav color
  2. what magic would you want?
  3. who is your fav character?
  4. who do is the best couple?
  5. who would you have in your team?
  6. Natsu and Gray are fighting about you what do you do?
  7. you take a job request and you have to pick between Gray and Natsu what do you do?
  8. your at a ball ( a fancy party ) and you see Natsu at the food table and you see gray next to the fountain who do you go to?
  9. Gray asks you out in front of Natsu what do you do?
  10. Natsu asks you out in front of Gray what do you do?

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