MY oc world which kingdom are you?

this is my oc world and its super cool and awesome!!!!!!1 ill like to animate this and call it elements of insanity:] so i hope i will in the future!!

idk what else to put 8359643850435839057483950739548539250850438592348509358043590582495905720345735829679846759428296728547986579678696742897698679894589

Created by: Sage wing
  1. watcha describe yourself?
  2. would you rather be able to teleport or fly?
  3. are you strong bffr
  4. are you good in med school or want to become a doctor?
  5. what race are you? [not being racist ^^]
  6. are you a girl or a boy?
  7. you like me quiz?
  8. how old are you?
  9. are you almost ready to see your kingdom lol
  10. FINIAL Question whats your favorite animal out of these animals

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Quiz topic: MY oc world which kingdom am I?
