My lover is death. pt.1

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This story is made up! It's about this girl who is gothic and is going out with a boy name Alex. That is until he died. It tells you how in the story. The girl's whole family is gothic! They are super supporting parents. They love her for her.

There are 3 main charaters in the family. Their last nane is Poe. From Edgar Allen Poe. The mom's name is Monte. The dad's name is Sether. The daughter's name is Crow. Those are the main charaters in this part.

Created by: Gothicteen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. As I was standing in a forest,I was a human. Then in the moonlight I saw a pair of wings. I went to get a closer look but it flew!
  2. Then I walked home,and found my mom crying. I asked her,"Mom,what's wrong? I thought a mother rarely crys over nothing!" She turned to me,red eyed and said,"Honey I know how you loved him!" Then my dad walked in the room and put his arms around me. I said,"If it's Dad he's right behind me!"
  3. Then my mom said,"It's not your Dad! I-i-it's somebod-d-d-dy e-e-e-e-else! I'm so so-o-o-rry!" I looked at Dad,he was sad to! I asked,"Who died! I'm wanting to know! I'm tired of this game!" Then Mom and Dad both hugged me!
  4. Then Dad said,"Honey,I'm sorry to say this but,you need a new person in your life!" I asked Mom,"What does Dad mean?" Mom said,"Your boyfriend,Alex,is d-d-d-d-d-d-dead!" I said,"What how? Is this a joke?" Then Mom and Dad said,"Alex is dead! He was driving then a car hit his car,and then he flew back and broke his neck on his seat! Then the person from the crash went to him and took him to Dr.Drew. Dr.Drew called the people he knows and told us that's he's dead! Then he told us his last words!"
  5. I asked,"What were his last words?" Then Dad said,"Death,your taking me now! Why? You want my girlfriend? If you know her then what's her name? Yep,it is Crow! Fine you take my life and my GF,but keep her safe!" I said,"That was his last words! Death wants his life but my love!" I ran to my room,closed the door,locked it and sulked.
  6. Then I fell asleep,crying. Then in my dream Death came to me! It was just a dream,right? Then I woke up shaking. It was cold in here! So I went to turn on my heater. Then I went back to sleep. This time I had a dream that I was an angle!
  7. The next morning I woke up. Then I pressed play on my T.V. remote and turned on the news. Then my BF car crash came on! I cried and turned off the TV. Then I heard a knock on the door. I asked,"What's the person?" The voice said,"It's me,your Dad. May I come in and talk to you?" I said,"Sure,if you don't tell me about my BF again!"
  8. Then my dad came in. He said,"How are you feeling?" I said nothing and stared at him. Then he waited 4 minutes for me to answer. Then he said,"Look if I can turn back time,I would but I can't! So let's say a tiny prayer to Satan. OK?" So we held hands and prayed. Then he asked me,"Do you want to stay home or go to school?"
  9. I said,"I don't know! I'm sad about Alex,but I have a test today!" I thougnt for 3 minutes then I heard a knock. I said"Who's at my chamber door?' I heard my Mom bursting out laughing. She said,"I see you remember Edgar Allen Poe:The Raven! It's your mom,Crow may I come in?" I said,"If Dad's in here then you can! But,don't tell me the details about Alex's death!" So she came in and said,"Stay home today!This is going to be the first day your going to miss school anyways!" I said,"Mom there is a important test today! I can't miss it! So,I'm going to school today!" So they went out of my room.
  10. Then I got out of my bed and went to my bathroom. Then I got my favorite short black dress that goes to my knees. Then I grabbed my favorit black sneaker-wedges. Then I brushed my teeth and put on my black lip-gloss. Then I went to school.
  11. CLIFF-HANGER! Sorry!

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