My first quiz..

Its just me introducing everyone I'll just out letters now jufujufecyfhefrtfgybrftwuyburtygbfuhbwrcfiuhbrwfuihbfrfuhibfrfiuhbrfwiuhbrevfiuhbfrwfuihbrfwfuihbuhifbrf


Created by: My_Wolves
  1. Hi im Leah this is my first quiz and please check out my friend Brook_Cats
  2. Do you wanna see my husky?
  3. if yes. This is Gigi
  4. if no. Oh ok...
  5. I have characters that will be in my quizzes.
  6. Meet Gigi- oh wait thats my dog *laughs*
  7. Meet Dawn our Alpha
  8. This is King! *whispers* he's my crush..
  9. This is the pup Jade
  10. So bye...uh I dont know what to call you guys..

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