Multiple Anime Quiz.

Anime... yes i said anime the japanese kind. me and my best friend Rachel and Lacey love anime. so do i duh thats why i made this quiz. hope you have fun take the quiz.

Anime is an art form. yeah well that me blah sigh meow hi hiss grrrrr dog cat fish meow kitty school smile face hmmm... oooh aah... have fun take the quiz.

Created by: Anzime11

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Whos is the main character in Bleach?
  2. In Black Butler, how old is Sabastian?
  3. in Inuyasha, what is the portal Kagome falls through?
  4. in Black Butler, who is Jack the Ripper?
  5. In the last episode of Black Butler, what does Ciel do to commit suicide?
  6. in Full Metal Alchemist who is Ed's mechanic?
  7. in Bleach, who does Toshiro stab instead of Aizen?
  8. in Durarara, what is Izaya's religion?
  9. in Fruits Basket, who is the "dragon" of the chinese zodiac?
  10. do you even like Anime/Manga?
  11. last question didn't count. (and neither does this one.)

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