Mtf Transformation Tg

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You go on a private island alone but u fall into a pit just to find a hidden underground lake that sparkles ping u go inside .>>>>>> Continue to see what happens to your body =)

Go and be who u want to be haters are meen and u should be proud of who u are I accept u and I love you as a human go on and be who your mental to be. Deep inside you know who you are.

Created by: B-13
  1. U see a lake that glows pink your mind tells you to go but your body says no What do u do ?
  2. U go in the lake and take the risk u suddenly start to feel a good sensation u feel your feet start to get smaller and hairless with painted toenails (what do u do )
  3. U go deeper and u see your legs get thinner and hairless (what do u do )?
  4. U now see that the water touches your butt and penus. U feel greese from your waist go to your butt your butt gets bigger and curvy. U now feel your penus gets sucked in transforrMing into a vigina What do u do)
  5. U go deeper u see your hands now touch the water and half of your body your hands change the fingers get thinner and longer and your nails start to grow.(What do u do )
  6. More than half of your body is covered your body now floats u feel your body change u see your getting so curved and round u feel your chest your chest is growing turning into Brest slowly your stomach and your. Body get curved.(What do u do )
  7. U dipp yourself in the water. Your face and body hair fall off your head shape gets curvy your lips fill up your eyes get bigger and your eyelashes longer your hair turns white because the lake is powerful.
  8. U swim back but u drink some water by accident now u real something inside u.
  9. Your voice changes to female voice.
  10. Ju But that's not it your bones change no female your hips widen and your jawline changes.
  11. U feel something between your vigina u adre now developing a uterus u can get pregnant.
  12. U notice u have no clothes so u put them back in 1-5 choose one.
  13. U go home have sex get pregnant and live a happy life (feel great about yourself I accept who u are)

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