More than Just Love: P4 City of Life | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz More than Just Love: P4 City of Life.
yah it is like that. A twist on the bible and stuff. And thanks for commenting and telling me you liked it. And if you know about the tribulation and stuff then you might know what happens next!
Thank you for giving me back my hair and fingers but mostly my hair I love it and I don't want it go byby and yeah I do love god way more but I do love my hair
hey i really liked these actually. i know their probably for girls but i thought it had such a great meaning that was intertwined so deeply in the bible. it was really great!
Leave me some comments!!!
Is this like christianty? the bible, the tribulation and stuff? caus thats awesome! great quiz, i got light!yay!;)
can't wait 4 part 5 i know it will be great!
Shanda131 -
i got light thank you for leting me have my fingers and hair back i need thoses
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