Miraculous ladybug: which Miraculous would you have?

Are you a miraculous fan? Well this is the quiz for you! Find out which miraculous you would have! It shows the personality you would have it may not be accurate though

These questions will determine what you get!hope You all enjoy this quiz and sorry there aren't that many questions!I was very exhausted from the quiz I don't have a great attention span XD:)

Created by: Aliza
  1. Which miraculous would you like?
  2. Someone gives you a presenty You don't like !how would you react?
  3. How would you describe your self?
  4. How would you react to receiving a miraculous?
  5. How would you treat your kwami?
  6. What needs to be with you at all times?
  7. If your miraculous was taken away from you by the guardian how would you react?
  8. If you found out another miraculous holders identity what would you do?
  9. Would you use your miraculous for good purposes?
  10. Would you reveal your identity to anyone?

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