Minecraft youtubers

You should know these Minecraft youtubers but you are doing this quiz to see if you do! My name is Ariana and I love star wars! I hope you liked this quiz.

Hi it is Ariana here and hopefully you are happy with your scores and if not try again! I would like you to put your favourite star wars charter in the comments! Bye!!!

Created by: Ariana
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is stampys real name?
  2. Who is stampys enemy in his lovely world?
  3. Does iballisticsquid have pets?
  4. What does iballisticsquid say?
  5. Does amylee33 love her life?
  6. Does amylee33 like to say I can't even?
  7. Does ash or fear a dubh dislike iballisticsquid fake farting?
  8. Why does iballisticsquid and fearadubh first meet?
  9. Do you like this quiz
  10. Do you what to know the score?

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