Minecraft Quiz(Hard)

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Hello, I am ProLuke9700. This is a minecraft quiz. If you're a pro at Minecraft, then you'll be able to perfect this quiz. You can check my account for other quizzes and some polls.

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Created by: ProLuke9700
  1. How many obsidian do you need to make a nether portal?
  2. How many diamonds does it need to craft 3 stacks of diamond blocks? (No Calculating!) **It means no cheating**
  3. How many diamonds do you need to craft a whole set of armor? (I mean no calculator allowed, but you can compute in your mind.)
  4. What do you need to craft an anvil?
  5. How many hearts does a player have?
  6. How many mobs is in Minecraft?
  7. How many wood does it take to make 40 wood planks?
  8. How many ender eyes does it take to make 5 end portals?
  9. How many hearts does a dog have?
  10. How many food items is in Minecraft?

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