Mind bender test

Tests, they are not much. But they prove all kinds of stuff about us. Lots of people hate them. I don't... do you? I would like to know :) answer here: _____

This test will make you go "Whaaaaaaat?!" cause it will screw up your brain for a second... then you will run outside in your underwear screaming. And after that, You will die. (not really)

Created by: KleineDragon
  1. Before you do anything, look through the quiz questions.
  2. 1) what does canine mean?
  3. 2) what candy bar do you think this is: little feline big feline
  4. 3) this is a hard one. what does this mean: Tune Tune Tune Tune
  5. 4) say out loud: OMG I GOT 100%!!!
  6. 5) what is 5x6?
  7. 6) how is my name spelt?
  8. 7) true or false: I am a youtuber
  9. 8) where is the statue of liberty
  10. 9) Minecraft is?
  11. 10) bye!

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