Miles Playz Minecraft ULTIMATE QUIZ

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This is the ultimate quiz on the Minecraft YouTuber, Miles Playz Minecraft. It is the hardest one on the enternet, so enjoy! P.S. Miles if you do this ILY

Simply check the bubble for the correct answer to the question and good luck! #lightningsquad You will loose 2 points for every wrong answer and awarded 3 points for every correct answer.

Created by: TBC_Fan
  1. How old is he (as of 2018)
  2. How many surgeries has he had (as of June 2018)
  3. What is his avatar?
  4. What type of schooling did he have
  5. When did he post his first video on Miles Playz (DD/MM/YYYY)
  6. How many other channels did he have BEFORE Miles Playz
  7. Does he have siblings??
  8. When did he start playing Minecraft? (DD/MM/YYYY)
  9. When did he start playing Hypixel? (DD/MM/YYYY)
  10. Is he the best YouTuber??

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