MHA Quirk Generator | Comments, Page 2
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz MHA Quirk Generator.
I kept getting this ‘dragon’ quirk no matter how many times I took the test…
My quirk is dragon!
Do I look like a Villain oof and prison?
Catastrophe sorry what?
Minnie1 -
Did anyone else hold their breath just to see?
I got a 79% I think hard to remember T_T
I got castrophe anything I touch destroys and can't get hurt by falling objects
I love MHA!I kinda wanted half hot and cold....but I don't really care about the quirk.
hcgwarts1 -
Thought this was very cool
i got dragon
42399691 -
I got one that now that I'm thinking about it, is amazing. I got being able to make air-tight prisons. And I would consider myself a villain. So yea
Kk_wolfy0 -
Why is there two midnights .-.
I was wondering the same thing.....TOGA BECAME MIDNIGHT!!!!!
i got prison a few times i havent gotten anything else though.
i keep getting prison even if i change the answers a wuuttt
55% is catastrophiy i think mine is powerful (probly)
I got that to lol
Bruh I got dragon and 69% (ohmygosh it's the funny number I'm so quirky ohmygohsshhsshhs skskskdkks)
Reane101 -
ive tried every combination and only gotten prison and catastrophe
You can get force fields.
Same here I only got catastrophic sadly
Nikky1 -
the same happens to me
I can't find any more combinations :( -
I got 98 but I can't get 100
I got 100, here's the combination:
-A lot
-More than a minute
Hope this helped :) <3
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