scratchmaster's Profile

Joined on Mar 14, 2019
Status Level: Advanced

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scratchmaster's Recent Posts

  • Come, and Join Me
    "Good job Katniss!"
  • Corona Virus Sucks
    "Good talking to you! Bye!"
  • Corona Virus Sucks
    "Hey I might have to go now, might talk to you later. And yeah, memes are like words with pictures that are funny. And yes there is a "Would ..."
  • Corona Virus Sucks
    "So far, the only person to take it got 33%"
  • Corona Virus Sucks
    "I'm looking at memes on Instagram, and talking to some friends there 😂. And if you click my name, it should be one of my quizzes. And Harry "
  • Corona Virus Sucks
    "And yes you are, and thank you!"
  • Corona Virus Sucks
    "I think One Direction is great, they were actually really good singers, especially Harry Styles, and they had some good songs. You should ta..."
  • Corona Virus Sucks
    "No problem! Despite our misunderstandings at the starts of our conversation, I think you're really cool! What do you think of Ed Sheeran?"
  • Corona Virus Sucks
    "Yes, I will not ask for yours, because I'm not willing to give mine. And I won't ask for information I'm not willing to give. And yeah, Shaw..."
  • Corona Virus Sucks
    "Ok, you don't have to share it. I only ask questions like that, because it's not like anyone could use your age to track you or anything. An..."
  • Corona Virus Sucks
    "I asked how old you are, because it seems like you'd be pretty young, or you just don't text very much. It doesn't matter, I was just curiou..."
  • Corona Virus Sucks
    "Are you trolling? Capitalizing doesn't always mean yelling, and that's not how I meant it. How old are you?"
  • Corona Virus Sucks
    "No, you really don't have to be sorry, it's ok! I didn't mean to sound mean, so I'm sorry as well. And refrain is just try not to do that. I..."
  • Corona Virus Sucks
    "It's ok! Don't feel bad! Just please refrain from it in the future😂. And you sent your message 9 minutes ago, I sent mine "a couple minutes "
  • Corona Virus Sucks
    "I put the sad face emoji because I feel empathy. That's what emojis are used for. No offense, but it's kind of annoying when people ask why ..."

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