Meet the seven demigods

This is PERCY JACKSON! Meet the seven and friends, and see if they like you! We hope they enjoy this, and we hope YOU enjoy it too because I spent three hours on this! Enjoy!

we hope they like you! Also, its a, um, personality quiz by the way! We hope you enjoy it there is 13 questions but the last one does not count! Enjoy!

Created by: person
  1. Me: Hi! Are you ready to meet the demigods?
  2. Me: percy! Ask a question!Percy: what is your favorite color?Me: this is a personality quiz?
  3. Me: Percy, you have to ask another question, because that didn't count.Percy: fine... Who's your favorite villain
  4. Me: Annabeth, your turn!Annabeth: what is 6677•45-5x78+9÷45?Me: a real questionAnnabeth: fine... Who is your least favorite god?
  5. Me: Jason, your turn!!Jason: would you rather die peacefully or heroically?
  6. Me: Leo your turnLeo: do you think I'm hot?Piper: eww! Leo!
  7. Me: you know the drill by nowConnor: we can ask a pranking question!Travis: PRANKING QUESTION! *high fives connor*Leo: yeah!Travis: shut up Leo this isn't your questionConnor: yeah leo! Anyway... What will be our question!Travis: do you like our pranks?Connor: perfect!
  8. Grover: do you like percy
  9. Nico:............................................... do you like outsiders/underdogs?
  10. Hazel: what's your opinion on me and frank?
  11. Reyna: do you ship me with anyone?Me: chose wisely...
  12. Frank: do you eat fish?
  13. Me: Goodbye!

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