Love test! Does he like YOU?? :)

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Hey! Now, do u ask urself "Does he like me?" Well, take this quiz and find out! Very accurate, if u get a low score dont wrry, there's plenty of fish in the sea or u could keep at it just ALWAYS REMEMBER! 1) DONNOT come on to strong 2) DONNOT play TO much had 2 get

If u get a high score then congratz dude! U'll b supercute 2gether!! I wis the happy couple lots of luck and love! I hope u all get the scores u r hoping for. In a few mins u'll know u can stop asking urself those q's! :D

Created by: Love333

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he know u exist??
  2. Are u guyz buds, pals, friends, bffs, amigas?? ;D
  3. How often do u guyz talk??
  4. please please answer honest or ur score will be inaccurate, do u think he likes u??
  5. does he/she playfully tease u??
  6. Do u ever catch him smiling/looking/staring at u??
  7. If u've ever been in love (this doesnt count) do u feel the same way towards this guy??
  8. Has anyone ever said "Ooooh I think Jesse likes u" or whatevs his/ her name is??
  9. Does he eva flirt w/ u??
  10. Last q.. (this wont count) wha u think of this quiz???

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