love in the air (part 3) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz love in the air (part 3).
every1 including ryan thinks u have givin up on him bcuz he mite not care about certin things he might not pay attention, but cant you work with that? cant u tell some1 he got A.D.D? well dont lie but that was an option anyway he truley loves u give him a darn chance!
thx 4 coming n taking my quiz this is 1 of my favs!
hip hop1 -
nice quiz but it was kinda confusing
Good quiz . I forgot what happen in the other part . hip hop can you please tell me !!! Please !!
Xy6241 -
dudes i am soooooo sorry lance is mute not blind!i just checked put part 2 it was a huge mistake sorry!
hip hop1 -
Oh and i don't care about MONEY you know !!!
Xy6241 -
what do you mean the other part?oh part 2? heres the link m/love_in_the_air_p art_2 well i think it is... lol thx for taking my quiz
hip hop1 -
thx well did u try my other quizes i mean the 1st and 2nd one?
hip hop1
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