love in the air (part 3)

ok the past two "love in the airs" have been awesome right? but this one is a whole new level do you still love the person you met in the beginning or has he uh changed a little or maybe a lot

so here who is your love is it still that old guy that u always loved or is it a new one that you just discovered? all these guys are awesome so dont be sad of he is different

Created by: hip hop
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Jason takes you to a dark dark room and says "lance bring over cody for questioning"
  2. "um hi there uh Jason" says cody "why hello there cody my brother now dont be scared its all gonna be ok" says Jason "well what do you want from me" says cody...
  3. "its simple cody i know the truth" says jason "no jason pls dont tell any1 this isnt fair" "oh cody dont u member when we were little kids this was our promise want it?" "jason pls dont pls" "listen a deals a deal i let u live now ur friends should know" "ok jason fine but where is sean"
  4. wait btw guys on question 5 "want it" is supossed to be "wasnt it?" anyway back to da quiz
  5. "what did you just say?" said jason "i said stop it stop it now" u say "ha no i wont because b4 i let him go i need to tell yall somethin cody here is an alien form mars"...
  6. silence runs thru the room "um listen guys im so so so sorry you had to hear this this way but i just i thought u guys would hate me and think i was weird and _____ i thought u would stop loving me" says cody
  7. he smiles "ok guys just we need to save sean i am stuck here now and cant go no where but if you sneak out with out Jason seeing u then this might work out fine" whispers cody
  8. "im gonna be fine just make sure so1 sees yall" says cody but lance hears everything "hahaha guys i may not be able to see but i can hear so i aint letting ur plan work"
  9. everyone runs as fast as they can where? who knows really i mena who does? right?
  10. anyway you hear a loud voice "hahaha yall r in my trap thanks to jason and lance my plan is working now my brother cody will be working for me i can pay everything ill give u guys a million dollars if you move to my side"
  11. "_________ thats sean he is one of the rich aliens dont go on his side or he he he he he he he will hurt you he gonna kill me i am im im im im im im dying no whatever u do NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"
  12. ok guys thats it thx alot! how did u like my quiz

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