LOTR Personality Test

Which Tolkien character are you? How do things like your favorite color effect this choice...you'll find out soon! Enjoy your trip to Middle Earth and watch out for Orcs!

Do you think you're a good guy, a bad guy or somewhere in between? Are you a Hobbit or an Elf? Where do your loyalties lie? Take this quiz to discover more.

Created by: MI LOTR fan
  1. What's your favorite place to be?
  2. What's your favorite food?
  3. What's your weapon of choice?
  4. How would you spend your perfect day?
  5. Who's your one true love?
  6. How do you dress?
  7. You see the one Ring, what do you do?
  8. Someone offers you any gift in the world, what do you want?
  9. You can live anywhere in Middle Earth, where do you choose?
  10. What's your favorite color?
  11. Are you tall?

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