How Much do You Know About Tolkien?

J. R. R. Tolkien is the author of some of the most-loved books in the world. He has multitudinous fans and goodness knows how many copies of his books have been sold!

But there is more to know about him. His life, his family, his inspirations - there's so much you can learn! I wonder how much YOU know about Tolkien. Shall we take a trip down Merlin's Quiz Lane and find out?

Created by: Merlin's Heir

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. J. R. R. Tolkien wrote which books?
  2. Who was Tolkien's muse and inspiration for Arwen Evenstar and Luthien Tinuviel?
  3. The three Lord of the Rings books were published...
  4. The Hobbit was published...
  5. The Silmarillion was published...
  6. The world that Middle-Earth is in is called...
  7. Tolkien lived from...
  8. Tolkien was friends with which other well-known author?
  9. Tolkien had how many children?
  10. Tolkien was a(n)...
  11. What term did Tolkien apply to his writings about Arda (The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, etc.)?
  12. What was J. R. R. Tolkien's full name?
  13. Tolkien was part of an informal literary discussion group called the...
  14. Tolkien served in the British Army for which war?
  15. Tolkien and his wife are buried where?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Tolkien?